

+86 134 8020 6889


Contact us

Company : Guangzhou Xuguang packaging machinery equipment Co., Ltd
Address: No.2, Yachang South Road, Yayao Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou
contacts : Winni Liu
Tel : +86 20-2899 7926
Phone: +86 134 8020 6889
Email: winni@gz-sg.com
Web : http://www.junlge.com

Frozen mask, sleep mask, new age


Recently, a very hot mask advertisement has a high attractiveness to erase the traces of time and retain youth.
Mask is a very beautiful skin care product MM love, and is also essential for every day.
China mask market is in a stage of rapid development. The mask is divided into smearing mask. If it is divided from efficacy, it can be divided into whitening mask, moisturizing mask and replenishment mask. Mask ingredients are mainly moisturizing agents.
Guangzhou Xuguang packaging machinery and Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the production and development of packaging equipment, providing convenience for the general public. One of the machines is the packaging smear mask. The machine is imported from France, and the upper and lower double pulling bags ensure the stability of the machine. The products are novel and popular with customers.

萝北县| 临沂市| 南乐县| 白水县| 莱阳市| 呼和浩特市| 黔西县| 海门市| 宁德市| 乌兰浩特市| 霍邱县| 阆中市| 乳山市| 加查县| 栾城县| 东城区| 项城市| 军事| 贵溪市| 德钦县| 英超| 宁阳县| 攀枝花市| 壶关县| 吉安市| 宁陵县| 灵山县| 沁阳市| 北海市| 吴旗县| 纳雍县| 大埔区| 突泉县| 广州市| 从化市| 信丰县| 肃北| 灯塔市| 马龙县| 林周县| 乡城县|